Sunday, August 20, 2023

A day at la Spiaggia - the beach

Italians love their beaches. And their umbrellas.
We spent Tuesday, the last day of the ferragosto holiday, at Folonica on the coast across from Elba Island. It’s been a popular beach for a long time — even before Napoleon looked longingly at it. The 15th Century Torre Mozza looks over the beach and a Roman road cuts through the water just off the sand. You can stand out of the water on a section of Via Aurelia and tan like a gladiator. 

We were all there for the sun — but in moderation. A forest of umbrellas keep people from incinerating in the Mediterranean heat. 

Contrary to the rumor, Italian beaches are not full of topless grandmothers and Adoni in speedos. It’s a family place, although the popular tiny bikini bottoms offer hectares of flesh of for bun burning.

If you forgot your bikini, or lunch or a toy to bounce on the sand, not to worry. There was a vendor for any need. My favorite was the caterpillar-tree electric cart that sold ice cream and beer.  Hey!  Look at the tractor treads ...

You gotta love Italy.

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